A new start to a new blogging life


My name is Adam. I am a university student, living in Australia and I love travelling. I suppose that is what drove me to writing this blog. I think of travel, perhaps with an understanding that it is not only about personal exploration or liberation, but rather one of seeking connections with the people. I have been to a few countries, but my lifelong plan is to travel around the world. I wish that my journey will lead me to become a part of something, whether it is through understanding different cultures, values and most of all, the lived experiences of the people. I will keep this short, but I hope that my future trips will leave you with a sense of inspiration and be a catalyst towards an adventure that you might seek in the future. I hope you enjoy my blog and trust me, this will only be the start of a crazy world exploration. 

Today is a new day. Tomorrow is a new life. Adventure is just around the corner. Enjoy the read!!!
